Within reach of the metropolis, but so different

Central Bohemia offers an adventure for everyone. Discover medieval castles like Karlštejn, go for a walk in the Křivoklát region, or enjoy the romance of Berounka. Here you are close to Prague, but the peace and charm of nature will quickly draw you into another world. Whether you are looking for trips, cycling trails, or relaxation, Central Bohemia has it all.

And what about Říp? Every Czech knows the name of this mountain, right? And if not, they should fix it right away. A devout Muslim who is able to do so is obliged to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. Even though I am not a big fan of this religion, I think that every true Czech, if they are able, should make a short trip to Mount Říp once in their lifetime.