Maybe you feel the same way. You need to switch off and the only thing that will do you good for your soul is to fly somewhere. I love airports! You might remember the opening scene from the movie A Novel for Women, when Zuzana Konócz introduces her mother Simona Stašová: “Mom loved airports. As soon as she enters the airport hall, she starts thinking in English, but with a Czech passport.” That’s exactly me. :-)) This environment calms me down and just the feeling of flying somewhere gives me the right adrenaline rush. I think Malta is a great …
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Harry Potter, a young wizard apprentice with round glasses and a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. Who wouldn’t know him? An entire generation has grown up with this fictional character. His story takes place in England, but few people know that the foundations of this fantasy novel by writer J. K. Rowling should be sought in picturesque Porto. I love this wizarding saga very much. That’s why I couldn’t resist and decided to go to places where the spirit of Harry Potter breathes on you. CAFÉ MAJESTIC J. K. Rowling was a struggling Englishwoman who, partly due to personal …