Are you looking forward to exploring the most beautiful cities in the world and wondering where to go? I have prepared a list of the most beautiful cities to visit. Of course, choosing the most beautiful cities will always be subjective, but I was thrilled with these cities and consider them the most beautiful in the world.
Come with me to the cities where you’ll find that special mix of concrete, culture and chaos that will either enchant you or exhaust you (often both). You’ll learn to walk through cities faster than a marathon runner, I’ll show you, and you’ll discover how little space you actually need to live.
And it’s not just buildings that can get you excited in cities, it can also be the smell of street food, the feeling that your wallet will never be fat enough, or a dance you’ll be rehearsing for weeks to come. Get ready for adventures that will not only educate you, but entertain you too – because travel is always about experiences, stories and a little bit of getting lost in the big world.