You think you know everything about Australia? Wrong! 🙂 Australia isn’t just kangaroos and the Australian flag. There are plenty of pleasant or unpleasant surprises waiting for you in this land of counterparts. I’ve mapped them out for you and when you come here, nothing will surprise you. AUSTRALIAN SLANG I think a lot of Czechs have a problem speaking a foreign language. They’re just embarrassed. Perhaps this is not true of the younger generations now, but I see it every day when a foreigner in the Czech Republic asks for directions. The nice thing about Australia is that everyone …
Tag: coffee
What kind of coffee do you like? My favorite coffee´s drinks are cappuccino and coffee latte. I have read that people who like cappuccino are obsessive, creative, honest and motivated. They make excellent friends but gets bored with unimaginative people. People who drink coffee latte tend to be neurotic, like to please people and are often indecisive. Well, I guess it could be true. So I am a creative neurotic. “TAKE AWAY” COFFEE SHOPS Sydney is an amazing cultural city and you can find the representatives of most nations of the world here. All these natives, no matter of the …